DMVPN - Dual-Hub Single-Cloud with redundant spoke links config guidelines

To configure a DMVPN DMVPN dual hub single cloud setup with redundant links at the spokes, keep the following considerations in mind:

  1. Single Tunnel Interface: dual-hub single-cloud uses a single mGRE tunnel, thus, you must create a single tunnel interface on each spoke using a loopback interface as the source tunnel.
  2. Routing Protocol: Ensure the loopback address is reachable via your chosen routing protocol.
  3. Protocol Choice:
    • OSPF may not be ideal if you want to force a spoke to prefer one hub over another as it has limitations in this regard.
    • EIGRP offers more flexibility in preferring one hub or path over another, making it a better option for this setup.

This approach ensures proper redundancy and optimal routing in a DMVPN setup with dual hubs and a single cloud.
