Port ACL (PACL) Restrictions and Design Considerations

Port Access Control Lists (PACLs) are ACLs that can be applied to Layer 2 switchports. However, they have certain restrictions compared to their Layer 3 counterparts.

These limitations are due to switch architecture and hardware considerations and include:

  1. No Outbound (Egress) Filtering:
    • Switch ASICs process traffic in the switching path at egress
    • Adding outbound filtering would require re-analysis after forwarding decisions have already been made
    • Ingress processing is prioritized for performance optimization
    • Additional TCAM/CAM resources would be needed for outbound filtering
  2. Control Plane Traffic:
  3. Protocol Support:
    • Support for filtering IPv6, ARP, and MPLS varies by platform
    • Hardware capabilities determine supported protocol filtering
    • Check platform documentation for specific protocol support

PACL limitations on Layer 2 are primarily driven by switch ASIC architecture, control plane separation requirements, and platform-specific hardware capabilities.
